Thursday, April 24, 2008

just breathe

I am lying in bed under the covers with my computer in hand, getting ready to fade into a deep sleep. I love modern technology that I can be laying in bed with my computer. Good thing computers aren't flammable. (insert laugh here)
I wanted to write at least a short note, even though my eyes feel like they are aflame and are starting to water from exhaustion. They have been open a long time today. Today was a good day: in preschool we had our field trip to 'Planet Kid', which was a huge large motor activities place for kids. It was fun. There were tunnels, slides and rope bridges, ball pits, a zip line-lots of padding for everyone. The kids had fun. I put there love to the test today by saying that we needed to get our shoes on and head back to school. All with their heads down, they filed out the door to the bus. I'll post a few pictures here once we download them.
I came home right after work and started in on my homework for class tonight. I didn't get as much accomplished lastnight I would have liked, so I wanted to get some things done today. I read a few articles and wrote a few outlines for class, did some journal entries and worked on a few math problems. It was a most productive day. We have 3 exams in my sociology class and we just barely turned in our 2nd and our hitting the ground running with our third as it is due in about 3 weeks at the end of the semester. AAAAAAAAHH!!!!!! I am excited for it to be over, but I don't feel ready for it AT ALL. It is also crazy at work as we have to do one last home visit for the end of the year and I am just trying to figure out where in the world I am going to find the time to do that on top of finals and my regular class time.
I know it will all work out, even though in my limited understanding I am not sure how. :) I know the Lord is mindful of me and will help me find a way to do what is important that I accomplish.
Well, my eyes cannot stay open much longer, so I will sign off for now. Buenas Noches.


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