Thursday, January 24, 2008

"...the words which I had often heard my father speak..."

As I left class to go home from class this evening, I walked out of the math building to find a newly fallen blanket of snow. I love a new snowfall, as it seems to muffle the everyday sounds that tend to drown out your thoughts. Almost as if I feel closer to God-not so much background noise.

I got in my car and was pulling out of the parking garage. I pulled out and was preparing to stop at the first stoplight along my path home. As I was preparing to slow down, I remembered what my dad had taught me about shifting down (in an automatic transmission) gears to help you stop when the streets were in such a state as this- covered in snow, slushy not quite icy yet-to keep you from sliding. So, I started shifting down and made a BEAUTIFUL stop-slide free. I felt like I had better control of the speed and was able to control the car better in such conditions. I was filled with gratitude for this and many other lessons my father has taught me-preparing me for times such as these in my life. I thought of the scripture in the Book of Mormon where we have account of the prophet Enos' experience. I went to hunt beasts in the forests; and the words which I had often heard my father speak concerning eternal life, and the joy of the saints, sunk deep into my heart." Now, I know that being able to stop a car is a far cry in importance to that of eternal life, but the principle is the same: A teaching of our father's sunk deep in our hearts, and was manifest through a personal life experience. I am grateful for a fabulous father who taught me the gospel early in my infancy and showed me by his actions how to live it to the fullest-to find joy that surpasses all understanding. Although this is terribly inadequate an expression of gratitude for what you have done: Thanks Dad. :)


Blogger Kethy said...

i love the picture of the ducklings.

this bolg is my favorite blog.

Sunday, January 27, 2008 11:02:00 AM  

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