Friday, January 11, 2008


I waited too late in the day to be writing this, as I feel my brain is like mush. Nevertheless, I will write up something however disjointed or bizarre it may all come out. Today has been a most productive day with work, laundry, etc. I received a nice suprise when I arrived home from a friend of mine I haven't seen in years! We have been communicating through e-mail over the years, but she has been busy in law school - passed the bar recently and has since resurfaced. We shared some great times together, including an incident I still laugh about to this day involving candy corn and the old brown toyota celeca-lovingly called the 'brown hornet'. She sent me a great CD from a local musician from where she is living now. It was a great CD and a great reminder of a big part of me-music. I love and appreciate many of forms of art that are out there in the visual and performing arts: music has a special place for me, that can move me as no other art form can. Why am I saying all of this? Well, I am grateful for my friend who sent me the CD, it was a great reminder of who I am-all that makes up who I am. It brought back a flood of memories of the time we (my friend and I spent together) and other pieces of my life-things I enjoyed to do that I haven't done in awhile. Receiving this CD was kind of like receiving a time capsule. It was a great reminder that has awakened a part of me I had laid dormant for awhile. I'm grateful for the reminder.


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