Wednesday, November 26, 2008

He knew

I am so astounded at how abundantly I have been blessed as of late that I struggle to find the right words. I have been home a few days so far for the holidays and I today I have realized how much my Heavenly Father loves me. I hope everyone has moments like these often, that you might remember from whence you came. I have been concerned about finances as of late with my focus being on school full-time this semester and working only part-time, cutting my personal income substantially. I felt that all things had fallen into place to get me here and knew that God would not leave me alone in the direction He so poignantly led me. (going to Boise, finishing school-being able to go full-time this semester)

As I have been home, I have been blessed with many opportunities from my family to earn a little money. With the little I have done to help, they have been EXTREMELY generous in return. I wasn't going into it for money, I just wanted to help them. That is my greatest joy, to help and lift. Not take. Even though I did not go into it for the money, I am grateful for their generosity. It is an answer to prayers spoken and of the heart.

I also went to visit a friend today that I haven't seen in awhile. In our conversation I had mentioned that my phone had broken and I was just borrowing this one. She then proceeded to tell me that one of her clients had given her a phone but she and her husband couldn't use it because they didn't have t-mobile-which I do have. She had no idea that I was wondering how I was going to come up with the money to buy a phone next month or be able to pay for the increase in my rent. She didn't know, but God did.

Other areas of my life I have witnessed the same thing as of late, that God knows me and is ever mindful of me. He guided me to 'go' and 'do' (move to boise, go to school full-time), and He has kept His promise and continues to do so. He opened doors at there appointed time and continues to do so. I am amazed at how it all falls into place as it should. No forcing or pulling-just smoothly and precisely.
Just as it should.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Giving thanks

I was listening to the radio this morning and heard the original proclamation of thanksgiving given by our President Abraham Lincoln October 3, 1863. I don't remember ever having heard it before, so I was especially eager to hear what it said. It was a very powerful message he gave as to the purpose of celebrating Thanksgiving, of which I have posted an excerpt from below. It reminded me of a comment I heard earlier this week from one of my co-workers, saying that Thanksgiving wasn't a 'religious' holiday.

"By the President of the United States of America.

A Proclamation.

The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature, that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever watchful providence of Almighty God....They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy. It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and one voice by the whole American People. I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens. And I recommend to them that while offering up the ascriptions justly due to Him for such singular deliverances and blessings, they do also, with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience, commend to His tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners or sufferers in the lamentable civil strife in which we are unavoidably engaged, and fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty Hand to heal the wounds of the nation and to restore it as soon as may be consistent with the Divine purposes to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquillity and Union."

By the President: Abraham Lincoln

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Because of the Holy Ghost

I was able to go and attend two missionary farewells today of friends here in the Boise area. One was in Emmett, Idaho, the other on Horseshoe Bend. (Boise is off the map in the direction of 'eagle' down at the bottom.)
They are both really cute little towns. I will post more information about them at a later date, some interesting facts about these towns. :)

It's late and I need to get to bed, but I wanted to post something before I do. There was a lady who spoke with my friend who is leaving this week. what she had to share really stuck with me. She shared her converstion story and how she found the church at age 24. She then proceeded to read this letter from a man who is a member of the church and has been all his life. In this letter, he was expressing his concerns that he was 99.9% sure that the church was mythical and that he didn't have a testimony of the gospel truths. He expressed in this letter the fear in telling his family how he feels. This sister proceeded to share how she knew that the church is true. She used the phrase, "Because of the Holy Ghost". "Because of the Holy Ghost, I know that the gospel is true." "Because of the Holy Ghost..." She continued to use that phrase to tell of how she knows what she does. I was overcome with feelings of the importance of what she was saying-to give heed. It is the Holy Ghost, and ONLY the Holy Ghost that can teach us the truth of ALL things. (2 Nephi 32:5) It reminds me of the account in the Book of Mormon with Nephi and Laman and Lemuel. I always wondered how it is that all these brothers having the same experiences could come away with such different feelings about them? How Laman and Lemuel after having been visited by an angel (along with Nephi and others), could continue on murmuring.

How blessed we are to have such a gift. I was grateful for the reminder today of these truths.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Not so deep thoughts :)

Since I don't have internet at home anymore, these postings may be a little bit sparatic for a season. (Even more so than before. :) )

I was able to attend the temple in support of my friend Jack who is leaving on a mission this next week. He feels like a brother to me, and just as I would be for my brother, I am so excited for him and the journey he is about to embark on. I say as excited as I would be for my brother even though he has already served a mission-I don't know that I understood what I do now about the importance of serving. There is something about going through the temple with someone who is experiencing it for the first time: your senses are heightened, it seems as if you are listening for them. You pay more attention to what is being said, you pray for that individual and their understanding. The work in the temple brings everything full circle, it puts everything back in perspective as to what really matters. Such peace we can feel there that we can't find anywhere else.

I was talking with another friend today that got me thinking. She shared with me an experience she had a few years back that she didn't fully understand why it turned out as it did. I won't go into detail about her experience as it was shared in confidences, but I will tell you what I realized from her sharing what she did. It started me thinking about why certain things happen in our lives, why we have the different experiences we do: some painful, some joyous. I began to wonder if, in our lives we are to have certain experiences, whatever shape they come in, that we cannot fully understand. You know, experiences that we will never fully come to an understanding of in this life. As she was sharing her experience with me, at different times these thoughts came to me of the necessity that we have experiences that don't make sense. Then I thought of experiences I have had that just don't make any logical sense. I think these are part of our experience here-to build our faith. If we knew why everything happened, it would require no faith on our part in our Heavenly Father and His plan for us. Where would the growth be? If we already knew? I felt a stronger connection with her as we spoke and a deeper realization that God knows us all personally. Our experiences are tailor-made to fit us. Although my friend and I's experiences were diametrically different, the truth remained the same. My heart filled with joy. I am grateful Heavenly Father took the time for me to help me remember that.

Monday, November 10, 2008

scars of life

I read these words today I thought very thought provoking-which I love. :)
It is by an artist I was recently introduced to, a thought she used to explain about inspiration for the music she writes.

"the scars sustained through life’s challenges become the fertile soil in which the seeds of hope are sown." -Corinne May

Something to think about. There is hope smiling brightly before us. :)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The gratitude of my heart

I just arrived home from church a bit ago. Today has been a wonderful day full of reminders. Reminders of what REALLY matters in the eternal perspective.

I was reminded of how much our Father in Heaven loves each of us and knows us each personally. A friend of mine has been preparing to leave for a mission. Satan has, of course, been trying to put up obstacles to him leaving. He is very keen on our lives (satan) and when good things are happening, especially when one has made some major life changes. He will stop at nothing to drag us down. Something we need to remember in times like this: there are more that are with us than that are against us. (2 Kings 6:16) That is the beauty of being a follower of Jesus Christ: we have that special help and protection. I was reminded of that today.

I was also reminded of the sanctity of relationships, especially of family relationships. We discussed esson 20 of the Joseph Smith manual today in Relief Society.,17884,4644-1,00.html This chapter contains letters that the Prophet Joseph wrote to his wife and family at different times in his life. We discussed what we could learn of how we should treat our families from the way he treated his family. There are some very touching words that were used to express his love for his family, yet he struggled at times to find the words. I can relate to that, the struggle from time to time to find words to express what I feel so deeply in my heart. "Tongue cannot express the gratitude of my heart..." are the words he used. I feel that many times, like today and how the Lord has blessed and continues to bless my life.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Paying the price

Wow-it has been far too long since my last post. So much has been going on, I don't know where to begin nor do I feel it is necessary to go into great detail of all the events of my life since I last posted. :) It hasn't been anything out of the ordinary, per se, just 'life' at its finest.

I will just post for today instead of feeling overwhelmed at trying to play catch-up. I spoke with my parents today. My mom recently had surgery and has been home, so I have been able to talk to her almost every day this week! It has been great!

Tonight I was able to talk with my father, who I also love to talk with. He and I have a connection that I can't explain on spiritual matters. We are cut from the same cloth, I feel. :) Anyway, we were talking about his lesson he was preparing for this Sunday and he shared a qoute with me from Elder Bruce R McConkie: "Now let us come to ...a conclusion that will have an important bearing on our eternal salvation. It is that each person must learn the doctines of the gospel for himself. No one else can do it for him. Each person stands alone where gospel shcolarship is concerned; each has access to the same scriptures and is entitled to the guidance of the same Holy spirit; each must pay the price set by a Divine Providence if he is to gain the pearl of great price....And as a just God offers the same salvation to every soul who lives the same laws, so he offers the same understanding of his eternal truths to all who will pay the truth seeker's price." (Teaching, No greater Call, p. 61) What is that 'price' Elder McConkie speaks of? that each 'truth seeker' must pay? Something I want to ponder more on personally.

I have been thinking about a different 'price' we are asked to pay as followers of Jesus Christ lately: the stands we must make at different times in our lives. Especially with the elections that have just past, with a such a focus on Proposition 8. I don't live in California, but I fully supported the pursuit of making sure the divine instution of marriage is preserved the way God intended it to be. The margin was minimal and frightening between those who were for it and those against. It has been interesting to hear different peoples responses to the topic in class and work settings. What price are we willing to pay to show our allegance to our Father in Heaven? Are we willing to take a stand? Especially in times like these? Our God-given gift of agency allows us to choose, our entire society is based on that freedom. How are we exercising that freedom? That is the frightening part to me: what we are choosing as a whole in society. We are the creators of our own destiny, God will allow us to witness the consequences of our actions. I can't help but think of Sodom and Gomorrah and what transpired there. Genesis 19 (,28#24)

The wickedness of the people has been compared to what we see in our day by President Gordon B. Hinckley. He said “No one need tell you that we are living in a very difficult season in the history of the world. Standards are dropping everywhere. Nothing seems to be sacred anymore.

“… I do not know that things were worse in the times of Sodom and Gomorrah. … I think our Father must weep as He looks down upon His wayward sons and daughters.”
He continues: "“We must not give up. We must not become discouraged. We must never surrender to the forces of evil. … If it means standing alone, we must do it.
“But we shall not be alone.”

-Gordon B. Hinckley, Standing Strong and Immovable,” Worldwide Leadership Training Meeting, Jan. 10, 2004, 20.

Another quote is from President Boyd K. Packer of the 12 Apostles. He said: "Civilizations, like Sodom and Gomorrah, destroyed themselves by disobedience to the laws of morality. “For the Spirit of the Lord will not always strive with man. And when the Spirit ceaseth to strive with man then cometh speedy destruction.” (2 Ne. 26:11; see also Gen. 6:3; Ether 2:15; D&C 1:33; Moses 8:17.)

God grant that we will come to our senses and protect our moral environment from this mist of darkness which deepens day by day. The fate of all humanity hangs precariously in the balance." -Boyd K. Packer, “Our Moral Environment,” Ensign, May 1992, 66

I don't mean to sound like a dooms-dayer-I just think we need to stop sometimes in this crazy whirlwind of life and THINK. Really try and understand what is going on around us, such as times like this. Realize we have great power in how we choose to live our lives and whom we choose to serve. I pray we can continue to 'protect our moral environment'. It is up to us. It is well worth the price.