Friday, August 29, 2008


Well this week has been a most eventful one: being the first week of school and working 30 hours on top of 15 credits. It has been a character building experience. Today I slept in-in celebration that I didn't have to be to work at 7 am. It was very nice and I feel well rested to get busy on homework and other tasks I have been neglecting in my business.

I was studying this morning in the Book of Mormon in Helaman 5, where the majority of the Nephites have become wicked and "weak, like unto their brethren, the Lamanites.." (Helaman 4:23) and Nephi and Lehi (who are Nephites) are asked to 'remember': remember to keep the commandments, remember their ancestors whos names they bear, to do good, remember the words of prophets in days past, remember that through Christ all things are possible. I was thinking about this word 'remember' and the powerful significance it holds in our lives, and how easily we forget. How easily we forget who made us and gives us life from day to day.

After reading the verse in Helaman 5, verse 12 (page 378) where Nephi and Lehi were commanded again to 'remember': '...REMEMBER that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Sond of God, that ye must build your foundation..." I was thinking about how true that phrase is: that Christ is the truest and surest foundation we can build our lives upon. Everything else is shifty and uncertain. With Christ as our foundation, we are promised that "when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yeah, his shafts in the whirlwind...when ALL his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shal have NO power over you to drag you down.." (verse 12 continued) I know that is true!! I know that if build our lives on obedience to God's commandments and simply do what He asks of us through the words of the scriptures and of the Prophets living and dead: we will find protection from lifes storms.

Although it is a challenge in the business of life to always REMEMBER our Savior, we can do it and find great peace. I was listening to a talk by President Eyring-the first he gave in his newly called position as counselor to our Prophet, President Monson. He talks of the importance of remembering God daily-taking note of how He has blessed us each day-abundantly so when we are obedient. He talks of how easy it is to forget who gave us those blessings-

"...forgetting God has been such a persistent problem among His children since the world began. Think of the times of Moses, when God provided manna and in miraculous and visible ways led and protected His children. Still, the prophet warned the people who had been so blessed, as prophets always have warned and always will: “Take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life.”3
“…the challenge to remember has always been the hardest for those who are blessed abundantly. Those who are faithful to God are protected and prospered. That comes as the result of serving God and keeping His commandments. But with those blessings comes the temptation to forget their source. It is easy to begin to feel the blessings were granted not by a loving God on whom we depend but by our own powers." -Elder Henry B Eyring, O Remember, Remember, General Conference October 2007

As I sit in quiet reflection of this weeks events (as I haven't had much down time to do that until now) I know that everything I have been able to accomplish physically, mentally-has been because of God. I feel He can bless us with an added measure of strength and endurance for whatever is asked of us. This week ALOT has been asked of me. I know that however hectic life gets, God will always make me equal to the task IF I continue in obedience and have Him as my foundation.

I am so grateful for this knowledge. Beyond expression with words.


Blogger e said...


you inspire me, and give me words to help me remember. i was so struck in my study of the old testament at how quick they were to forget the lord and how that really caused so many of their problems. Even while moses was getting the 10 commandments atop the mount, they were forgetting. but am i any better??

thanks for your thoughts!

Saturday, August 30, 2008 11:52:00 AM  
Blogger Lynette said...

Thank you for your comments-it is so fun to hear from you!! I understand what you mean-our continuous struggle to remember. I think it is part of our human make-up-natural man-that we don't just naturally remember God in all things. That is the beauty of agency and part of our test, isn't it? To really be able to show God that we turn our wills completely over to Him.

Thanks again for your thoughts- I LOVE hearing them!!


Saturday, August 30, 2008 12:54:00 PM  

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